Persona Chips

When integrated into VR headsets, these chips emit magnetic pulses into the prefrontal cortex. The sensation…

Better-Than-Life Chips

These program chips are built to override VR hardware’s reality limiters. The simulations they manifest render…

I Use Astral Perception to Detect Advanced Technology

The center of my forehead shudders in a nebulous froth of astral energy. A veil is…

I Use Astral Perception to Detect Cyberware

The center of my forehead feels a firm pressure, as though someone has pressed their finger…

Cyberpsycho Gang

Eyes glow out from the alley like a cat’s caught in headlights. A large group of…

Rigger Auto and Drone Shop

Under graffiti-marked shutters, rows of half-built machines stretch off into the distance. Some of the hardware…

Cybernetics Clinic

This is no back-alley chrome shop. At the reception stands the most glamorous woman you have…

Macho Enhanced SWAT Member

The officer is huge, far larger than humanly possible—through natural means. Their tac-vest is sleeveless to…

Firearm Featuring Fiber Optic–Link Options

A thin braided cable snakes out of the weapon’s scope, and the shining jack at the…

Prehensile Tail Enhancement

Catching your eye, the woman smiles roguishly and flicks her segmented tail back and forth with…