Finn Hendrix

Ice-colored eyes, sharp and cold, stare out from under silver brows, the left one divided by…

Undead Gunslinger at Sunset

Crimson light bathes the ground like spilled blood, turning the dusty canyon into a sanguine expanse…

Hacker Executes Attack Program in the Net: Cowboy Theme

With a flick of their wrists, the hacker activates the attack program and two revolvers appear…

Hacker Executes Armor Program in the Net: Cowboy Theme

As the hacker activates their armor program, a billowing armored duster and wide-brimmed hat form around…

Gunshot Deals Fatal Wound

Blood erupts in a sickening crimson gout as the bullet connects, pulverizing tissue and bone like…

Sawed-Off Double-Barreled Shotgun

Two short barrels jut from the wooden stock like the snout of a boar, their rims…

Blued-Steel Heavy Revolver

The steel of the revolver has a subtle cobalt sheen, the merest hint of blue mixed…

Gun Jams

You pull the trigger expecting the usual force of recoil, but nothing happens. Grimacing in frustration,…

Rain, the Outlander Assassin

The saloon doors bang open as a man with skin like dark mahogany strides in on…

Showdown at High Noon

The sun is high in the sky as you stand in the middle of the town…