Drifting Nightshade

A tall gnoll wields a longbow, held at the ready afore his pronounced belly, the ruggedly…

Entering the Tavern as Bedlam Begins

A lutist and drummer play a rousing tune on stage, evoking stomping, clapping, and hoots from…

Lutist Performing in Tavern

The lutist sits on a stage framed by a tapestry of stars and bathed in the…

Gnoll in Scavenged Armor

Rancid spittle flies between yellowed fangs as the gnoll roars, its bloodlust evident. As the hunter…

Violin in Orchestra Pit

[Vacant] A violin sits on a musician’s chair. The elegantly shaped body is formed of satiny…

Gnoll Hunter (Pathfinder)

A hyena’s head painted with bright blood in a devil’s death mask turns to face you….

Vampire Gnolls Attacking Village

A hideous, braying cackle echoes around the village as the nightmarish creatures attack, tearing into the…

Sundries from a Shoosuva

The demon wears a collar made of woven tongues, on which hangs a tag of hammered…

Werewolf Paladin Fights Gnoll God

The lupine paladin stands defiantly before the demon lord, his lips curled back in a ferocious…

Loot from a Gnoll Vampire

The gnoll wears a large three-tiered collar, a lattice of silver chain suspending three pieces of…