Corrupted Arm

Flesh writhes and pulses below the tourniquet, forming into horrifying new shapes as the tissue distorts…

Hexidor “Hex” Silverring

With a bounding leap, the striking harefolk rogue lands amid the bandits like a meteor, scattering…

Master of Fate

A sudden vision fills your mind, a vast master of fate looming in the shadows of…


The shuffling figure emerges and tugs back their hood. The rags fall away. A ravenous malady…

Magical Fever in Battlefield Med-Tent

Icy fever grips the wounded soldiers in the isolation tent, a thin rime of frost clinging…

Chipmunk Hop

A chipmunk would envy my bounding grace as I close the distance in three short hops…

Victims of an Alien Plague

Every bed in the ward is filled, mostly by humans, all presenting the same symptoms. Dark…

Omarii Wembe

Nose twitching, huge ears rampant, an enigmatic commander stands tall amid the bustle of a military…

Loot from a Harengon

At the rabbitfolk’s paw is a shillelagh, a weapon of cherrywood with a large gnarled head…

Sundries from a Harengon

In the pocket of their cornflower-blue vest, you find a honey-colored wooden pipe—short and stubby for…