Nukrolir Onyxheart

The glow of the sword strapped to his back makes the obsidian skin of the genasi…

Emotion-Altering Drug, “Guts”: Inhaled

You press the canister’s trigger and huff a dose of gaseous courage. Your chest clenches painfully…

Emotion-Altering Drug, “Guts”

The brass-colored canister gleams like an ancient warrior’s polished breastplate. The mind-altering gas compressed within deadens…

Awakening, Bound and Hooded

The grinding of bone on bone scrapes against your senses as you awaken, your world enveloped…

Performance-Enhancing Drug, Rhino: Ingested

Popping open the flask, the vapors flood your face. You inhale and close the cap quickly,…

Stimulant Street Drug, Betameth

Within the illicit world of riggers and hitmen, a chosen elixir rules: betameth, a concoction birthed…

Performance-Enhancing Drug, Rhino

The metal flask rattles as you move it about, as if it were full of beads…

Curio Stall on Rainy Night

Amid the routine shapes of potion bottles, scrolls, and gems, a few silhouettes stand out: a…

Not-Quite-Legal Bookbinder on Rainy Night

Downpours dampen the spirits of any merchant of paper goods. The stall is dark, though lengths…

Illicit Market on Rainy Night

Rain pelts this hidden street in wavering sheets, the clouds above breaking for moments at a…