Hexidor “Hex” Silverring

With a bounding leap, the striking harefolk rogue lands amid the bandits like a meteor, scattering…

Chipmunk Hop

A chipmunk would envy my bounding grace as I close the distance in three short hops…

Omarii Wembe

Nose twitching, huge ears rampant, an enigmatic commander stands tall amid the bustle of a military…

Loot from a Harengon

At the rabbitfolk’s paw is a shillelagh, a weapon of cherrywood with a large gnarled head…

Sundries from a Harengon

In the pocket of their cornflower-blue vest, you find a honey-colored wooden pipe—short and stubby for…


The rabbitfolk’s humble, furry bearing is belied by the skill with which he slings spells and…

Primrose Whitetail

The scent of roses fills the air around this rabbitfolk, who is stylishly mantled in gray….

Mavis the Monk

The plain outfit—loose pants and a cloak in earth tones, decorated with beads and trinkets—might mark…

Basil Strongworthy

The rabbit man, six feet tall including the ears, is stuffed into fancy clothes complete with…

McGregor’s Cottage in Winter

The cottage’s chimney puffs out a stream of smoke and a shaggy wreath hangs upon the…