Adventurer with Axe and Shield

Through the mist strides a lone warrior, his bearded visage taut with suspicion. Clad in mail…

Vampiric Knight

Pale of skin and dark of intent, this vampiric knight stands with an aristocratic sneer. A…

Armored Ghoulish Warrior with Sword

A disturbing armored figure emerges from the sickly glow emanating from the doorway ahead. It strides…

Fren Da’Ship

The hulking metal body groans as the warforged moves. Tall, with shoulders as broad as a…

Summon Celestial

A burst of blinding light fills your vision, and you catch the briefest notes of a…

Holy Avenger

Angelic wings, cast in silver, spread elegantly from the base of the blade to form an…

Drazhan Vantchev

Implacable as the mountains he has surely climbed and conquered, the chieftain’s stare is as cold…

Demon Knight

The sickly green glow of fiendish magic illuminates the demonic warrior, a being composed of naught…

Drow Knight

Lurid red eyes narrowed in hatred roam across you with predatory malice, expertly identifying the weaknesses…

Dwarf Bartender

The bartender glowers at you as he pushes forth a mug of foaming ale with a…