Summon Celestial

A burst of blinding light fills your vision, and you catch the briefest notes of a…

Holy Avenger

Angelic wings, cast in silver, spread elegantly from the base of the blade to form an…

Corrupted Arm

Flesh writhes and pulses below the tourniquet, forming into horrifying new shapes as the tissue distorts…

Fortune Teller’s Table on Rainy Night

A table is draped in a length of old fabric, its color the purple of a…

Fortune Teller’s Table in Black Market

Protected by two towering stone walls, a fortune teller’s simple wooden table is draped with a…

Entrance to Lava Dungeon

Blistering heat assaults you like a charging beast as you enter the lava-filled cavern and your…

Void Hollow

The hollow, framed by the moss-fuzzed roots of the tree, drags all hint of light into…

Arbored Isle in the Cosmos

A strange oasis in the cosmic sea. The chaos of a natural, earthen world—bending boughs, clinging…

Magical, Refreshing Hollow

The glow of the hollow lights the hanging roots of the tree—a welcome written luminously. The…

Darkened Tree Adorned in Light

This tree stands like a shadowed trophy upon the broken trunk of another. Mushrooms grow all…