Chapel in Lair of Ritualists

Rough-hewn wooden pews stand in uneven rows before a dais bearing a round, stone table. Implements…

Temple of the Gods

With a triumphant prayer, the caster bows in supplication, and a huge formation shimmers into existence….

Summon Celestial

A burst of blinding light fills your vision, and you catch the briefest notes of a…

Holy Avenger

Angelic wings, cast in silver, spread elegantly from the base of the blade to form an…

House of the Holy Dawn

Entering the temple grounds, you are met by a sight of awe-inspiring beauty: fluted columns emblazoned…

Cave Shrine

Dried offerings mingle with fresh, lustrous blooms on the altar of the ancient cave shrine, with…

Tabernacle of the Sun on Rainy Night

The separate pieces of this patchwork tent have become a dusky brown amalgam in the soaking…

Tabernacle of the Sun

A pyramid tent, a patchwork of cloth and hide, emits a dim trail of smoke—sweetly scented…

Enormous Granite Altar in Lava Dungeon

An enormous granite altar dominates the northern plateau of the cavern, its presence casting a weighty…

God Awakens to New Follower’s Plea

Eons have passed since this god last stirred, now drifting through the planes in docile slumber…