Demon Surrounded by Guards

The towering fiend laughs as the guards surround it, poking at its scarred, red flesh. Casting…

Villian’s Frustrating Interrogation

Your adversary smirks as you question them, a sickening, infuriating expression that tests your restraint. For…

Reindeer with Glowing Antlers

Auroras form great arcs of color in the sky, obscuring the stars over the tundra. The…

Threat from a Monstrous Species about Eating

“I’m not sure the protein in your flesh would agree with me—but the more you talk…

Quip by a Warlike Species about Human Courage

“Such arrogance from such fragile… gooey… forms. In a way, I admire your heart, even though…

Serpent’s Ruse

My body dips and dives like a dancing serpent as I taunt my foe, goading them…

Mask of Battle

My muscles twist and bulge as I drive the [weapon] forward, my face frozen in a…

Just as Expected

Dropping into a low crouch I taunt my opponent, goading them with imagined mistakes—before leaping forward…

Chicken Duel

A game of chicken. As my opponent makes ready to attack, I crook the [weapon] in…


I tap the weapon hard on the ground—like a bull hoofing the ground—and shout. Tap it…