
Waves batter the longship as it plows onward through the water like a spear, cutting a…

Ruins of Artificer City

The ruins spread across a broad, bowl-shaped valley surrounded by rugged hills, their stony faces pierced…

Treadwheel Crane on Rainy Night

The treadwheel jitters for a moment as the drenched person within slips on the wet planks….

Treadwheel Crane at Illicit Port

A large wooden crane rises from a platform next to the canal, its height allowing it…

Barbarian War Paint, Woad: Applied

You dip your fingers into the paint, the waxy substance cold as ice to the touch….

Barbarian War Paint, Woad

The small pot fits in the palm of the hand like a makeup compact. Its cheap,…

Lost Handmaiden Encounters Centaurs

The woman stumbles as she defiantly makes her way across the mud-choked land, the hem of…

Quip by a Warlike Species about Human Courage

“Such arrogance from such fragile… gooey… forms. In a way, I admire your heart, even though…

Rigger’s Apartment

Soft interior lights illuminate as the door opens. Beyond the threshold sprawls an open apartment that…

Request for Sacrifice from a Dragon

“Ah, another group of heroes come to lay me to rest. Are you here for my…