
Waves batter the longship as it plows onward through the water like a spear, cutting a…

Decaying Estate

The walls here were built long ago and have been ill-maintained, the soft touch of time…

Barbarian War Paint, Woad: Applied

You dip your fingers into the paint, the waxy substance cold as ice to the touch….

Barbarian War Paint, Woad

The small pot fits in the palm of the hand like a makeup compact. Its cheap,…

Bloody Vampiric Skull

A shaft of light cuts across a fanged grin, a gaunt cheekbone bereft of skin—a skull…

Quip by a Warlike Species about Human Courage

“Such arrogance from such fragile… gooey… forms. In a way, I admire your heart, even though…

Lost Handmaiden Encounters Centaurs

The woman stumbles as she defiantly makes her way across the mud-choked land, the hem of…

Wise Shrub on Exhibit

In the middle of all the other exhibits, one singular treasure takes a place of distinction….

Stuffed Golden Rhea on Exhibit

A magnificent flightless bird stands five feet tall on the largest pedestal in the ballroom, but…

Terracotta Teapot on Exhibit

The terracotta teapot displayed on its own small table is elegantly simple, undecorated save for its…