Loot from Asmodeus, Lord of Hell

Asmodeus is nothing if not thorough: his clothing is full of hidden pouches and false-bottomed pockets…

Sundries from Asmodeus, Lord of Hell

Asmodeus lies defeated, his devilishly handsome face a mask of outrage and disbelief. Approaching the infernal…

Demonic Fungus Deity Speaks

Within the fungi-filled cavern, a central mushroom dominates the space like some huge obscene altar. A…

God Awakens to New Follower’s Plea

Eons have passed since this god last stirred, now drifting through the planes in docile slumber…

Trickster God

An enigmatic stranger lurks nearby, standing cloaked. His long sable hair writhes like ebon tendrils, alive…

Goddess of the Sun

Ethereal threads of scintillating golden light envelope the goddess, her robes blindingly luminescent in their splendor….

Lost Handmaiden Encounters Centaurs

The woman stumbles as she defiantly makes her way across the mud-choked land, the hem of…

Quip by a Warlike Species about Human Courage

“Such arrogance from such fragile… gooey… forms. In a way, I admire your heart, even though…

One-Eyed Deity with Ravens

In the midst of the mundane stands a figure of extraordinary mysticism. Garbed in cuir-bouilli and…

Paladin Loses Their God’s Blessing

A shimmering light surrounds the oath breaker as a soft weeping echoes all around, like spring…