
Known and named for the hump on their back, this person seems at first unfriendly, timid,…

Shapeshifter Reveals Their True Form after Death

As their life ebbs away, so too does their mask. The creature’s face is serene in…

Council of Changelings

One by one the councilors change, their forms shifting like reflections in water. Skin becomes sallow…

Os the Changeling

His long, slender fingers cling softly, pensively, to his pale cheek, just under the black eyepatch…

Smith Langston

He’s striking, this sturdy man with cropped auburn hair, a tidy mustache and goatee to match….

Nat the Changeling

Who is Nat—really? Can anyone see past the myriad masks, the various visages of this sublime,…

Therianthropy Chimeric Transformation

Veins blacken and bulge, then disappear as lavender skin gives way to fur of varied tones…

Wooz Van-Von Brichafort Nightblossom

The mask has a skull-like aspect, making this massively muscled individual even more imposing. Behind the…

Swift Shapeshifter Transforming into Bestial Form

The humanoid figure sprints forward, leaping and clambering over obstacles in their path. They stoop as…


There’s an elusiveness to this humanoid’s presence—a kind of fleeting afterimage that fades from your memory…