Loot from a Black Dragon Wyrmling

Something glitters around one of the wyrmling’s charcoal horns: a fine gold chain with a gold…

Sundries from a Black Dragon Wyrmling

A colorful scarf is knotted around the slain wyrmling’s glossy black neck. Unfurling the fabric reveals…

Loot from a Black Dracolich’s Lair

Four humanoid skeletons hang gibbeted under a crumbling stone arch in the lich dragon’s lair. Their…

Sundries from a Black Dracolich

Whatever was left of the black dragon lich’s taut, festering flesh begins to slough away all…

Loot from a Black Dragon’s Lair

The black dragon’s cruel imagination pervades even its hoard of treasures. A larger-than-life statue of some…

Sundries from a Black Dragon’s Lair

The black dragon that lived here had a flair for art of a macabre sort. An…

Adult Dragon Corpse

The dragon’s corpse lies on one side, a mighty wing crushed beneath the dead weight of…

Young Dragon Corpse

The dragon’s scales had not yet begun to darken with age when it was struck down,…

Ancient Dragon Corpse

Words can hardly convey the stunning majesty of the creature that lies before you. Even in…

Suddenly Vulnerable Town Attacked by Dragon

The winged lizard banks lazily in the air, warm drafts buffeting old, scaled wings. The outskirts…