Loot from a Barghest

The barghest sprawls in dumbfounded death, its oversized jaw hanging askew. It wears a leather vest…

Sundries from a Barghest’s Pouch

Only the dull gleam of death is left in the barghest’s malevolent eyes. A pouch is…

Duskwaltz Emporium

The darkness and the rain do little to stifle the line of adventurers growing before the…

Peanut Tealeaf

Big, round, bright blue eyes, twinkling with curiosity and wonder, draw attention to this person’s broad…

Sundries from an Aberrant Goblinoid Horror

The goblin-like horror lies in a twisted mess on the ground, its horrific body a mutilated…


A figure emerges from the night, childish giggling bubbling from their fang-filled mouth. Obviously goblinoid, their…

Goblin Merchant

The gold of piled coins is reflected in the goblin merchant’s keen yellow eyes as cracked,…

Goblinoid Mutation

Like two wretched creatures forced to become one, the hunched goblinoid has too many limbs and…

Robed Goblin

Clutching a simple wooden staff in gnarled hands, the goblin offers you an unsettling smile filled…