Greater Demon Manifesting via a Minion

Eyes glazed in reverent fervor, the imp materializes before you in a puff of sulfurous smoke…

Greetings from a Song Bird

“Good day! What does this clumsy creature want? So miserable and trapped in the dirt. Perhaps…

Victorian Pub in Cybercity

The neon glare of the city is absent from this curious little bar tucked away near…

Convening at the Crypt

The overcast sky casts a gray pall over your meeting, as you reunite with comrades outside…


The grandmotherly figure of the illusory woman before you slides away to reveal an unworldly construct…

Flags of the Pirate Lord Lair

Atop two of the six shipwrecks making up the lair flies a distinctive flag, visible and…

Restaurant’s Android Servitor

The servitor in a sleek branded uniform of gleaming red plastic rushes to greet patrons as…

Greeting from a Cat

“Many pass by, but all must pay their respects, must admire my beauty. For if they…

Unfriendly Human Innkeeper

Despite all the folks at the tables and chairs, all the raucous conversations and skulkers guarding…

Xu Parallel

“Xu Parallel’s the name!” The hand that thrusts toward you is covered in what you would…