Reindeer with Glowing Antlers

Auroras form great arcs of color in the sky, obscuring the stars over the tundra. The…

Tournament Celebrating a Royal Birthday

The crown prince rises, face aglow from the legion of candles adorning his cake. The stands…

Celebration of the Winter Solstice

Crowns of juniper, pine, and cedar adorn the menhirs’ jagged tips. In the center of the…

Celebration of the Summer Solstice

The bonfire mushrooms high into the air, sparks and charred wood writhe about the fire’s peak….

Celebration of the Autumnal Equinox

Wreathed in a cloak of russet leaves, the queen of darkness leads the dance. She weaves…

Celebration of the Vernal Equinox

The henge is ancient, much of the circle having fallen, stones swathed in moss. The sun…

Tournament Celebrating the Marriage of a Royal and a Commoner

A huge cheer erupts from the mass of commoners as the newlyweds arrive at the tourney….

Tournament Celebrating the Marriage of Two Wealthy Merchants

The stands surrounding the lists are extensively decorated. Merchant crests hang from every post. The wedding…

Tournament Celebrating the Marriage of Two Royals

Doves fill the air, trumpets peal, and the crowd erupts with applause. Covered in a mass…

Raiders Disrupt Backwater Festival

The festive atmosphere bursts—like the ripe tomatoes being hurled at the pilloried mayor—as flames begin to…