Galadir the Jester

A well-dressed young man on horseback gazes around with a look of undisguised awe in his…

Tasha’s Hideous Laughter

You feel a smile creeping across your own lips as you hold this chaotic, vibrating spell,…

Bard’s Quip about Being Knocked Unconscious

“I haven’t blacked out this much since my first year……

Thumb Tack on Chair Trap

[Perceived] Before you sits an ornate chair, the thick layer of dust only slightly masking its…

Quip about Getting to Know the Party

“So, what are some of your interests? Favorite color? Do you own any pets? At this…

Speech by a Sad Bard about Comedy

“Perhaps I don’t joke out of glee or malice, perhaps I make jokes because I am…

Quip about Overkill


Violent Blessing

The priest strides into the temple with bloodied knuckles, his robes painted crimson. Horrified, his friend…

Quip about a Party Member after a Quick Victory

“Do you think you could slow down and give the rest of us a chance to…

Warning from a Frightened Mage to a Concealed Foe

“Who goes there? Be warned I am well trained in the magic arts… just not trained…