Kobold Stalking Prey

Within the shadows of the dimly lit corridor, a kobold stalks their prey. Stealthily, they slink…

Kobold Hoarding Treasure

Perched atop a gleaming pile of ill-gotten gains, a brave—or perhaps foolish—kobold defies you. Their small…

Kobold Sentry

A Kobold sentry, diligent and watchful, stands sentinel here—eyes gleaming. Sniffing the air, it seems to…

Dragon Fang

I charge forward to attack, my [weapon] the piercing fang of a dragon’s snapping jaw….

Fire and Ire

I embody the dragon, filled with fire and ire, swinging my [weapon] like claws, chest heaving…


A blue kobold peers intently at the ladybug making its way across the branch before him,…

Loot from a Kobold

Around the kobold’s neck is an amulet against location and detection. In a leather pack is…

Sundries from a Kobold

In various grubby belt pouches and nasty bags you find pieces of glass, with the sharp…