Dwarf Deflects Questions

“If you ask me, I’d go after the tuskers that got out of here quick before…

Ransacked Communal Room

The mood of the people in this communal space ranges from disgruntled, to fearful, to exhausted….

A Guardian and Charge

A warrior with skin as pebbled and gray as granite sits on a bed oiling a…

Overheard Legend of Seven Swords of Power

“When the seven blades of power live under the same sky, the doors to other lands…

Double-Talking Politician

The colorful campaign button on the woman’s crisp, black pantsuit has more life than the smile…

Depressed Middle Manager

The man slips a pack of cigarettes out of his stained suit with one hand as…

Burned-Out Bureaucrat

“This is not the right file, ma’am,” he says slowly, carefully, into the headset wired about…

Tournament Gossip

The crowd buzzes with snippets of hearsay: rumors of merchants being robbed, a dark knight with…

Overheard from Naked Person Running Past

“…be wrong to say it’s the first time I’ve…”…

I Overhear a Secret

I hear voices—lowered to a conspiratorial whisper—in the alley as I pass, and I pause to…