Ballroom Dance Floor

The dance floor at the center of the ballroom is recessed below the main floor, accessible…

Ballroom Entertainments

All around the room, small tables are set up with scrolls and books, quills and candles….

Grand Entrance to a Ballroom

Towering double doors with gilded carvings mark the entrance of the ballroom. When they open, a…

Opulent Ballroom

The magnificent ballroom speaks of fabulous wealth, flaunted without restraint. The vaulted ceiling glows, soft and…

Proscenium Arch Overlooking Opera Stage

The proscenium arch over the stage is a splendidly carved depiction of twin dragons—spirits of the…

Grand Opera House

The opera house, a place dedicated to the performing arts, is itself a mesmerizing masterpiece. Thousands…


This wrinkle-faced kennelborn dresses sharp as a tack. A sky-blue satin vest brings out a sparkle…