The Ingenue Catches a Rat

A rapid series of squeaks draws your attention toward a figure hunched over the ground. A…

The Ingenue

Ringlets the color of burnt caramel spill over her tall, pale brow, descending from a gossamer…

The Button Man Intimidates

The woman’s eyes widen in fear as he approaches, the edges of his clothes levitate for…

The Button Man Transforms

He throws his jacket to the floor in an ostentatious flourish, lithe arms coiled with stitched…

The Button Man’s Atelier

The atelier is a simple space of long tables, stark walls and large windows. Faceless mannequins…

The Button Man

The elven man is dark-skinned, his head shaved except for a crop of dreaded locks piled…

Their Majesty’s Chessboard

The entire chess set is hewn from marble, and gleams as if routinely polished. The squares…

Investigating a Vine in the Ghoulish Vineyard

The vines hang heavily against their wooden supports, laden with clusters of truly bulbous grapes—larger than…

The Ghoulish Vineyard

A small vineyard of just a few modest rows, tucked away in a back lot, is…

Witnessing the Effect of Shrew-tongue

They clutch at their throat as the poison takes hold, their pupils dilating to the edges…