Master Merchant in Her Shop

The shopkeeper’s scarred face is graced with a pained smile as she welcomes you and gestures…

Antimagic Gambeson

Threads of silver form a mesh through this black arming shirt. Some of the threads form…

Antimagic Manacles

A silvery alloy makes up these manacles. Lacking a chain, they instead bind the hands close…

Horn of Blasting

A roaring lion’s head caps the horn, its open maw serving as the bell of the…

Loot from a Balor

The balor lies at the center of a ring of scorched ground, motionless. Handling the steaming…

Cursecatcher Bazaar

By day, this wild bazaar is said to host a wealth of magical items. By night,…

No Barter Bazaar

Under a rainbow canopy of bizarre awnings, the bazaar is abuzz with frenetic shoppers and eccentric…

Ioun Stone of Absorption

Like an orbiting moon, the magical stone drifts ceaselessly around you, passing your gaze every so…

Immovable Rod

A rod of hardened steel, polished to a reflective sheen and capped at each end by…

Helm of Teleportation

The strange helm resonates with the low reverberating tone of a struck bell, causing a knot…