Loot from Asmodeus, Lord of Hell

Asmodeus is nothing if not thorough: his clothing is full of hidden pouches and false-bottomed pockets…


This greataxe weighs as much as an ox-drawn plow and carries the earthen patina of the…

Elemental Weapon

Running a light touch across the weapon in your grasp, you call to the primordial forces….


The weighted head of the flail hangs like a lodestone from the iron chain bound to…

Master Merchant in Her Shop

The shopkeeper’s scarred face is graced with a pained smile as she welcomes you and gestures…

War Pick

The utilitarian brutality of war calls for adaptability, from both soldiers and the weapons they wield….


Most warriors could not lift the stone which caps this mighty maul, let alone wield it…


Simple and sturdy, the longsword is the bread and butter of smiths throughout the land and…


The wood of the lance bears the scars of frequent use, each scratch, nick, and blemish…


The hooked beak of the halberd’s blade shines wickedly in the light, adding a sinister edge…