Endless Dungeon 51 Abyss’s Door

Entering this dungeon feels more like being buried alive than you’d like to admit—the air is sour and stifling, the gloom pervasive, and the grim construction of the stone passages resemble an ancient tomb of a long-forgotten soul. Best to keep on your toes, so that does not become your own fate.
This map depicts one […]

Endless Dungeon 41: The Ouroboros

The passage leads away to either side, eventually curving out of sight. A charge dances on the cool air, carrying with it the scents of ozone and charcoal. It pulses in time with the rise and fall of the rippling sea-green radiance issuing from the masonry lining every surface—which gives the impression of being underwater. […]

Endless Dungeon 21: The Forge

Neither the cold brazier at the bottom of the stairs nor the musty smell bode well for what you will find in this dungeon. The family crest on the wall is barely visible in the dim light, or maybe it has been intentionally obscured, and a skeleton—a dwarf by its size—lies across the entrance.
This map […]

Endless Dungeon 32: Forgotten Arena

Blood-stained sands and bleached, rotten bones fill the floor of the desolate arena. Skeletons hang from the cruel, rusted manacles hammered into large pillars jutting from the earth, like tombstones of the forgotten dead. Stepped rows of benches line the fighting pit—a gallery for bloodthirsty spectators.
This map depicts one level of an “endless dungeon,” and […]

Endless Dungeon 14: Desecrated Sylvan Sanctuary

These shadowed corridors, lit sparingly by the embers in black-iron braziers, harbor discordant secrets. A hum of old magic stirs: the hint of something wild, old, and green hanging in the stale air. Burly roots break through tiles and walls, cracks winding like veins of lightning through the stone. Doors and furniture lie smashed upon […]

Endless Dungeon 10: Lich Lair

The coffin seems innocuous enough, until the top of the lid comes into view. Signs of death are etched into the stone, along with a series of symbols in plain, bold lines. These carvings weren’t meant as decorative embellishment, they were meant to remain conspicuous and legible for as long as possible: a warning.
This map […]

Dungeon Entrance

This animated image provides a mesmerizing visual aid for the start of a dungeon crawl following a journey through dense forest or jungle, or perhaps it is a place of worship and refuge, or the resting place of an ancient artifact. Find finely crafted boxed text for various features by hovering over them on the […]