Charging Minotaur

From the mist, an icon of fury thunders forth. A minotaur emerges, full of ruinous, raw…

Minotaur Casting

Power radiates from the cloaked minotaur in palpable waves as they raise a hand to the…

Summoning of Goristro

The crimson portal groans and distorts like a caul, a massive horned form trapped just beyond…

Arwan Romanio

Leaning heavily upon an esoteric-looking trident, the slim half-elf approaches. Mist hemorrhages from his weapon—so cold…

Werewolf Wizard Fighting Minotaurs with Lightning

Loping forward on all fours, the lupine wizard barrels toward the hulking bovine warriors as sparks…

Sundries from a Minotaur

A tiny belt pouch of several loose ten-foot lengths of thread, a frayed and usable thirty-foot…

Loot from a Goristro

The minotaur’s skull cap, cleanly scalped and including the ebony horns, would be of great worth…

Sundries from a Goristro

You find a broken pipe the size of a shortsword next to the minotaur, along with…

Geometric Tattoo on Arm

The lines of this tattoo have been precisely determined with calipers, cord rulers, and math—creating a…


Terror boils the air around the towering fiend, searing the mind. His eyes smolder with hate…