Charging Minotaur

From the mist, an icon of fury thunders forth. A minotaur emerges, full of ruinous, raw…

Gray Wizard on Floating Cog

Glaring imperiously from above you, the wizard cuts a striking figure in billowing gray robes. Standing…

Minotaur Casting

Power radiates from the cloaked minotaur in palpable waves as they raise a hand to the…

I Cast Temporal Divergence

Holding the mithral wishbone, I chant the incantation and see the spiraling threads of fate unfold…

Summoning of Goristro

The crimson portal groans and distorts like a caul, a massive horned form trapped just beyond…

Time-Traveling Robots Meet King Arthur

Armored knights sit around a large round table in the center of the court, each taking…

Rift in Space-Time Opens

An impossible sliver of red-blue-gold shimmers before you. It dazzles you to look inside. Within the…

Sensation of Time Stopping

The world slows around you. Sounds become muffled—as if you’ve plunged underwater—and distant, as movement slows…

Canadian Hockey Player Piloting a ’57 Chevy Space-Time Ship

The car is broad, twin headlights beaming American excellence, and polished chrome wings rising from the…

Time-Traveling Author Beholds Their Works

The author’s eyes well with pride as they behold the full volume of their work, proudly…