Loot from a Balor

The balor lies at the center of a ring of scorched ground, motionless. Handling the steaming…

Sundries from a Balor

Warily approaching the epicenter of its explosive demise, you examine the balor’s remains. A belt pouch…

Summoning of Goristro

The crimson portal groans and distorts like a caul, a massive horned form trapped just beyond…

Obsidian Leader of Demon Horde

The churning mass of wickedness parts, the demons within cowering away from the obsidian-skinned figure striding…

Battle between Devils and Demons

Your straining eyes witness devils high above, each flinging flames down toward the waves of hideous…

Shapeshifting Fiend

The familiar face shifts, blurred—as if by a mirage—as the creature reveals its true form. The…

I Slash with My Hands While Wearing My Demon Armor

Unholy malice flows through me as my wicked claws grow from armored fingertips. I feel the…

Town Dragged to Hell

The ground rumbles with unearthly violence as huge volcanic fissures tear through the cobbles of the…

Loot from a Night Hag

As the last fits of life leave the hag’s twitching limbs and gaunt face, one hand…

Sundries from a Night Hag

The horror falls, finally dead and silent, though the piercing shriek of her cackle still rings…