Loot from a Black Dracolich’s Lair

Four humanoid skeletons hang gibbeted under a crumbling stone arch in the lich dragon’s lair. Their…

Sundries from a Black Dracolich

Whatever was left of the black dragon lich’s taut, festering flesh begins to slough away all…

Cultist Corpse

The robed figure lies hunched over a blood-stained tome, their hands set in a clawed rictus…

Cultist Corpses

Whether by their own hand or the swift retribution of an adventurer’s blade, the robe-clad cultists…

Adventurer with Axe and Shield

Through the mist strides a lone warrior, his bearded visage taut with suspicion. Clad in mail…

Skeletal Victim of Spike Trap

A grim scene meets your eyes, a past victim of the underworld’s defenses transfixed by blood-stained…

Ritual Chamber with Pentagram

Pebbles litter this circular chamber with a skeleton lying in the center of the debris. It…

Northern Ritual Closet

A pale skull stares at the doorway from its bare-toothed perch on a stone table—as if…

Southern Ritual Closet

An eerily tomb-shaped room seems meant for conducting rituals—or at least the safekeeping of ritual materials….

Chapel in Lair of Ritualists

Rough-hewn wooden pews stand in uneven rows before a dais bearing a round, stone table. Implements…