Heavy Rain in the Desert with Purple Worm

The rains pour over the cracked earth. Ruddy rivulets form, transforming sand to silt and carrying…

Heavy Rain in the Hills with Galeb Duhrs

Rain showers the rolling land of this hill range. Water runs in small streams downward from…

Heavy Rain on the Sea

Rain lavishes the surface of the sea, which looks like it’s simmering from the ceaseless patter….

Heavy Rain in the Forest with Awakened Trees

There is a rousing symphony of drops as rain presses in tenacious sheets through the canopy….

Heavy Rain in the Grassland

In a land without forests, there is no barrier between the earth and storming sky. Dark…

Farmer’s Field in Summer Drought

The heat is murdering the land. Before you, a farmer’s field begs for respite, the crops…

Farmer’s Field in Hot Summer

In the searing summer heat, the farmer’s field bakes, the earth a broken patchwork of dirt….

Ghost Ship in Cosmic Storm

A violent rainbow of colors swirls out in space as the cosmic storm rages. The eye…

Loot from a Mushroomfolk

The mushroomfolk carried various tiny pouches, in which are several kinds of dusty spores. Sold to…

Sundries from a Mushroomfolk

Among a spattering of poisonous secretions are small puddles of colored fungus that could serve as…