Sleeping Ichthyosaurs

Drifting lazily in the ocean currents, a pod of ichthyosaurs slumbers among the fronds of a…

Sleeping Pterosaur

Head covered with one large, leathery wing, the pterosaur sleeps in its clifftop nest, sheltering its…

Sleeping Hadrosaur

A heaving flank, flaring nostrils, and slowed breath denote the hadrosaur’s slumber, resting contentedly among the…

Boring’s Emporium

On this side of the market, the smell of metal and leather replaces the fruity fragrance…

Drazhan Vantchev

Implacable as the mountains he has surely climbed and conquered, the chieftain’s stare is as cold…

Rough-Hewn Spear

The spear is rustic handiwork. The shaft is mostly straight, rough with the natural knots and…

Rough-Hewn Javelin

The javelin is plainly made, little more than a long, slender shaft of wood. It is…

Primitive Bow

The bow is simple in its composition: a flexible arc carved from a single piece of…

Emerald Knife

The curved blade is hewn from a solid cut of emerald. The dark mottling on its…

Obsidian Knife

The knife is carved entirely from a piece of obsidian. The gracefully curved blade has been…