Temple of Abundance

A temple stands in quiet grandeur amid its pastoral surroundings. The slanted roof, tiled with terracotta,…

Human Cleric

A sense of peace surrounds the cleric, as if all is well in her presence. Her…

I Calm an Upset Griffon Mount

The griffon rears on leonine legs, flailing its scaled forelegs. Its claws gleam like pure obsidian….

Farmer’s Field in Snow

In the serene embrace of winter, a farmer’s field slumbers in tranquil peace. The land, cloaked…

Temple to a God of Beasts

In the middle of a forest stands a shrine built of wood, silvered with age and…

Ogre Eating at Campfire

Sitting on a collapsed tree, a wary-looking ogre savors his meal beside a crackling fire, finding…

Green Giant Returning Home

When he turns the final corner of the sheltered path, the giant’s face breaks into a…

Euphoric Street Drug, Bliss: Ingested

Almost before the drug touches your tongue, an explosive wave of warm serenity washes through you….

Weary Soldier Finds Respite in Community

The soldier limps along, supporting their weight with a worn and simple crutch as they traverse…

Mountain Stream Cuts through Forest

As it has always done, the stream cuts through the forest in a burbling torrent, carrying…