Druid Corpse

The hot, fungal stench reaches you before you see the body in the tall grass. Wounds…

Monk of the Viper Fist

The monk’s battle-hardened face tenses, his lips parting as his teeth clench. With a growl, he…

Ziggurat in the Grasslands

The grassland ripples in the wind, the rushing sound like small waves breaking softly against the…

Ruined World with Mystic Blue River

Everywhere you look, you see complete annihilation. Not the gore and wreckage of war, but an…

Meadow Southeast of Wyvern Crossroads

An open meadow of golden grass, dotted with singular trees, is modestly speckled with a growth…

Steppes Northeast of Wyvern Crossroads

This short plateau is crowded with thickets of trees and shrubs. Birds bounce from treetop to…

North from Wyvern Crossroads

The northern road takes a gentle bend to the east through meadows filled with the sounds…

Earthbound Compass Rose

Four ways lead out from the crossroads, the breeze playing with their sand and pebbles—the rustles…

Ray of Sickness

The spell is spat in vicious hate, and so the magic forms—sickly green and caustic—a line…

Tranquilizing Toxin, Slab

This ampule bears a warning label, its arcane symbols indicating dosage cautions, overdose treatment, and safe-storage…