Vampiric Knight

Pale of skin and dark of intent, this vampiric knight stands with an aristocratic sneer. A…

Monk of the Viper Fist

The monk’s battle-hardened face tenses, his lips parting as his teeth clench. With a growl, he…

Ray of Sickness

The spell is spat in vicious hate, and so the magic forms—sickly green and caustic—a line…

Tranquilizing Toxin, Slab

This ampule bears a warning label, its arcane symbols indicating dosage cautions, overdose treatment, and safe-storage…

Magic-Nullifying Gas, Spell Stripper: In Use

A telltale snick is followed by the steady hiss of a scarlet haze filling the air…

Magic-Nullifying Gas, Spell Stripper

The roiling vapor inside the glass tube is a prohibitive red color, swirling with minute lead-gray…

Technology-Nullifying Euphoric Drug, Tempo

Inside its glass bottle, the alchemic stim-tranq separates like oil and water: mica-specked violet floating atop…

Green Ring Gas: In Use

The steel canister clatters against the floor with a series of hollow plinks before settling to…

Mana Blight: In Use

The viscous blue substance seeps into the skin immediately, leaving a bruise-colored splotch in its wake….

Magic-Nullifying Toxin, Void Burst

Cased within a spherical glass, this dark mass resembles a nebula, shimmering with the light of…