Mental Prison Successful

With a fixed gaze and clamping hands, you close a creature’s mind to the idea that…

Lemuel the Bounty Hunter

A fugitive skids to a halt before a dead end. Behind them, their pursuer whistles a…

Nystul’s Magic Aura

Chanting fills your mouth, your fingers dance through the air, and magic floods your mind as…

Minor Illusion

Your fingers move over a piece of fleece with a harpist’s virtuosity, but your true instrument…

Antimagic Gambeson

Threads of silver form a mesh through this black arming shirt. Some of the threads form…

Antimagic Manacles

A silvery alloy makes up these manacles. Lacking a chain, they instead bind the hands close…

Shadow Blade

Shadows approach you from every nearby recess and become like lengths of silken fabric weaving over…

Awakening, Bound and Hooded

The grinding of bone on bone scrapes against your senses as you awaken, your world enveloped…

Forced-Labor Mine

Hooded taskmasters stand watch over lines of workers chained together in body and fate. The tumult…

Dwarf Commoner Prisoners

Clinging to his mother with small, thin fingers, the ragged child looks upon you with wide-eyed…