Sleeping Ichthyosaurs

Drifting lazily in the ocean currents, a pod of ichthyosaurs slumbers among the fronds of a…

Master Merchant in Her Shop

The shopkeeper’s scarred face is graced with a pained smile as she welcomes you and gestures…

Embracing Tree

A cluster of trees and shrubs hugging the northwest corner of this meadow mostly block the…

Cliff Northwest of Wyvern Crossroads

The air around the cliff has the shocking yet refreshing chill of a shaded spring, and…

Tasha’s Mind Whip

The arcane words pierce the air like a needle, driving a psychic bolt into the mind…

Psychic Scream

Your eyes narrow as you unleash the power of your intellect on your foes in a…

Mind Spike

You pinpoint your target, and your focus manifests as a sharpened stake of psychic energy. You…

Brittle’s Potions and Alchemical Supplies

[Outside] Facing the town square and lodged between two other storefronts stands a narrow two-story building….

Duskwaltz Emporium

The darkness and the rain do little to stifle the line of adventurers growing before the…

Burstberry Market

A farmer’s nightmare of market day is manifested here. The three tents rattle in the wind…