Threat by a Corpo Agent Negotiating for Information

“This deal doesn’t have any extra conditions. It’s credits for information: nothing more, nothing less. But…

Melancholic Djinn Receives Gift

As the last notes of the song echo through the golden halls of the djinn’s palace,…

Golden Regalia on Exhibit

Three small tables each display a piece of beautiful jewelry, forged by master goldsmiths as wedding…

A Tale of Saint Jemmot

“Art can be a fickle mistress. This I know all too well. Why, half the people…

Melodic Traces

Even before pushing through this door—left open a crack—you hear the faint sounds of lute and…

Ghostly Mages in Tavern

A group of humanoid spirits, many long in the tooth and beard, have taken interest in…

Ravaged Room in Abandoned Inn

A large bedchamber lies in disarray. The northwestern section of the room is particularly ravaged, the…

Forgotten Treasure Map

What appears to be a treasure map remains in surprisingly good condition next to a toppled…

Guardian Confronts Ward

[Outside the Room] From behind the closed door comes the muffled sounds of a conversation. A…

Discarded Weapon in Hallway

A shine draws attention to the folds of a crumpled section of carpet. A simple dagger,…