Quip about Friendship from an Untrustworthy Guide

“Friendship isn’t worth much in this city. Most people would bolt a friend to a wall…

Warning from a Grizzled Space Merchant about the Madness of the Void

“There’s a lot of strangeness out in the void. It looks like nothing—feels like nothing at…

Instructor’s Lesson about Saint Alessa Bookbinder

“Do your eyes grow heavy? Does your mind stray? I know these texts can be difficult…

Sermon about Saint Skuldane

“The world can be a strange and frustrating place. When I feel directionless, I try to…

Dwarf Deflects Questions

“If you ask me, I’d go after the tuskers that got out of here quick before…

Child Cutthroat Speech about Education

“’Be nice, don’t hit, don’t yell, don’t take.’ The adults told us these things thinking it…

Auction Lot 026: Philosopher’s Scroll

This lot is a scroll of aged parchment, unfurled to display lines of writing in black…

I Embrace Transhumanism

“Since the moment I understood the boundaries of my flesh, I understood its limitations. Still, I…

Hermetic Mage and Wiccan Witch Discuss Magic

“Magic is nothing more than an equation, an ordering of the material essence. The world is…

Alien Senate Meeting

The alien senate convenes in a magnificent hall, delegates from myriad planets and species gathered to…