Grand Piano in a Ballroom

A grand piano sits in the northeastern corner of the dance floor, its bench upholstered in…

Ballroom Dance Floor

The dance floor at the center of the ballroom is recessed below the main floor, accessible…

Ballroom Entertainments

All around the room, small tables are set up with scrolls and books, quills and candles….

Rabbit Statues in a Ballroom

Twin golden rabbit sculptures flank the central northern staircase leading down to the checkered dance floor….

Gardens in a Ballroom

On either side of the alcove at the northern end of the ballroom, windows shed light…

Golden Sculptures in a Ballroom

Two colossal golden statues tower on either side of the grand entrance. Each statue depicts a…

Paintings in a Ballroom

Oil paintings hang on the walls by the door in ornate pewter frames. The paintings are…

Grand Entrance to a Ballroom

Towering double doors with gilded carvings mark the entrance of the ballroom. When they open, a…

Opulent Ballroom

The magnificent ballroom speaks of fabulous wealth, flaunted without restraint. The vaulted ceiling glows, soft and…

Performance of Pain

Odes of disdain spill from my lips as I waltz toward my foe, hands and feet…