Loot from a Sahuagin

The snarling sahuagin clings to its trident even in death. It takes a few strong pulls…

Sundries from a Sahuagin

A large spiked shell with a blush-pink interior hangs on a fibrous string around the piscine…

Overworked Office Intern

Her hair is tied back into a neat bob, her muted makeup perfectly applied. She wears…

Grimy Waterfront Bar

The glaring sign out front advertises WITH A VIEW in an optimistic blue glow. You…

Firearm Featuring Fiber Optic–Link Options

A thin braided cable snakes out of the weapon’s scope, and the shining jack at the…

Prehensile Tail Enhancement

Catching your eye, the woman smiles roguishly and flicks her segmented tail back and forth with…

Obvious Enhanced Head

The woman’s head splits open in a wide channel above her eyebrows, and small but powerful…

AR Contact Lenses in Use

The gossamer lenses mold themselves around your eyes and suddenly flash as they power up. Streams…

Rack of Sample Enhancements

The clandestine surgery suites look more like a bizarre exhibition of human anatomy than a medical…

I Put On My Arm Prosthetic of Strength

Affixing the bulky prosthetic with practiced ease, a rush of power surges through me as the…