Tournament Winner’s Romantic Glance

The victor stands victorious, a hush falling over the spectators. In that moment, her gaze locks…

Temple to a Goddess of Pleasure

The underside of the temple’s golden dome is painted with a mural depicting the gods feasting…

Stealthy Dark Elf Leaves Rose on Pillow

Like a silken shadow, the woman slips quietly through the open window, her feet barely touching…

Out of the Park

Bouncing my [weapon] on my shoulder, I wink at the foe and blow them a kiss….

Light Touch

A mere touch is all it takes, something almost affectionate—a tickle just there, where the fountain…

Love Letter

I caress the crossbow, and it shudders with tension. I tickle the trigger, and it quivers…


The arms of my crossbow hug the string tight, keeping the bolt nuzzled until it is…

Rogues on Alert

A rough-looking pair of individuals occupies one of the quieter tables in the tavern. They sip…

Rekindled Romance

An elderly gnome couple sits at one of the round tables, their chairs close together and…

Couatl Mating Ritual

The serpents’ pale wings stretch to full display as their opaline eyes lock in a stare….