Finn Hendrix

Ice-colored eyes, sharp and cold, stare out from under silver brows, the left one divided by…

Monk of the Viper Fist

The monk’s battle-hardened face tenses, his lips parting as his teeth clench. With a growl, he…

Dwarf Martial Brawler

The red sash about the brawler’s waist swirls majestically as she fights, her movements calculated and…

Vivace the Half-Dragon

A stately figure—half dragon, half human—settles into a zen-like posture. Short and impressive, her slender bulk…

Vish, the Cursed

The butt of a rifle arcs like a reaper sickle, sowing mayhem on the battlefield as…

Esoteric Strike

I become a conduit of esoteric energy, channeling it through my fists and my feet, striking…

Elegant Advance

On tiptoe I advance, body taut like a bowstring, calves tense like a dancer’s. I elegantly…

Delicate Dissection

My kata ghosts through the air—elegant cryptic movements enthralling the foe—lining up where I will strike,…

Bare Knuckles

Like a prize fighter in a street fight, I go for the knockout, fists like hammers,…

Delicate Destruction

My fingers weave a delicate dance, patterns mesmerizing, ready to stiffen, to strike, and to bring…