Panicked Townsman Warns of Monster Sighting

“Guards! Guards! Oh, by the gods! Some… Some horrific thing… a gray, putrid hide with sunken…

Antimagic Gambeson

Threads of silver form a mesh through this black arming shirt. Some of the threads form…

Antimagic Manacles

A silvery alloy makes up these manacles. Lacking a chain, they instead bind the hands close…

Magical Eye Drops, Nightwatch

Ridges make the black conical top of this bottle easy to grip for opening. The clear,…

Guardian Statues in Fey Temple Ruins

The two statues flanking the stairway to the portal appear to have faces hidden deep in…

Port Town Black Market Entrance

A strange hubbub surrounds the area beneath the pier. Two ogres, each as large as a…

Dagger-and-Quill Emblem

Like a warrior’s handshake, the quill and dagger emblazoned upon the golden emblem unite as they…

Market Guard Station on Rainy Night

Tucked into the corner of two walls, a pair of guards are hunched over a low…

Guard Station for Illicit Market

Beside the rubble of a partial wall that allows entrance to this market, guards seated in…

Demon Surrounded by Guards

The towering fiend laughs as the guards surround it, poking at its scarred, red flesh. Casting…