Floating Citadel Approaches Ship

Bursting from swollen storm clouds, a miracle of artifice looms large in the sky, a pallid…

North from Wyvern Crossroads

The northern road takes a gentle bend to the east through meadows filled with the sounds…


Gazing upward, you speak the words of the spell in puffs and sighs, wisps of vapor…

Elderly Pterosaur

Wings spread wide, the aged pterosaur drops from the cliff, hurtling toward the roiling ocean at…

Simple Airship in Pale Light

The clouds of the pastel sky—its pinks and mauves looking like a pale dawn—are broken by…

Young Dragon’s First Flight

The young one struggles valiantly as they spread their tender wings, eager to soar above the…

Completed Arcane Armor

Magical rivets stipple the suit of armor like glyphs of a secret language. The material is…

Griffon-Riding Knight Enters the Fray

A valiant cry from above draws your attention as you see your ally and their noble…

Dwarven Griffon Rider

Muscles bulging, the griffon rider clings to their mount as they crash through the clouds above…

Dwarven Rune Suit

An arcane glow suffuses the powerful suit from within and pulses in time with the wearer’s…