Floating Citadel Approaches Ship

Bursting from swollen storm clouds, a miracle of artifice looms large in the sky, a pallid…

North from Wyvern Crossroads

The northern road takes a gentle bend to the east through meadows filled with the sounds…

Tasha’s Mind Whip

The arcane words pierce the air like a needle, driving a psychic bolt into the mind…


Gazing upward, you speak the words of the spell in puffs and sighs, wisps of vapor…

Psychic Scream

Your eyes narrow as you unleash the power of your intellect on your foes in a…

Mind Spike

You pinpoint your target, and your focus manifests as a sharpened stake of psychic energy. You…

Elderly Pterosaur

Wings spread wide, the aged pterosaur drops from the cliff, hurtling toward the roiling ocean at…

Detonation Ooze

This undulating magmatic ooze is like a chemical dump coalesced into one form. Slurry—twelve feet across…

Grenade Lob

A whistle through the air, then a metallic clank, and something spherical rolls toward you—small, nondescript,…

Damai Guardian

A slender woman stands proud, pale skinned and keen eyed. Silver ropes of hair cascade down…