Primal Savagery

The blood in your veins surges, searing with acridity as acid suffuses you. Your fingers flex,…

Fren Da’Ship

The hulking metal body groans as the warforged moves. Tall, with shoulders as broad as a…

Heroes’ Feast

You raise a gem-studded bowl high—in a grand gesture—before spiking it toward the ground, then rest…

Sheath’s Bacchanal

By day, Sheath’s Taproom is a place of peaceful relaxation, where weapons remain in their scabbards….

Burstberry Market

A farmer’s nightmare of market day is manifested here. The three tents rattle in the wind…

Sheath’s Taproom

Just from looking in the open windows, you can tell Sheath’s Taproom is a raucous, bawdy…

Bestberry Market

The market sprawls along the alley’s western side, thrumming with the rustic hum of calm dealings….

Entering Adventurer’s Alley

If the city was a body, you’ve reached its heart—a thumping, raucous place, a mishmash of…

Culinary Wizard

With a gregarious chortle, the magical chef sprinkles the delicate cake with radiant stars as a…

Manaproof IPA: Ingested

The taste of the froth stings the tongue and throat, leaving a bitter film in its…