Fren Da’Ship

The hulking metal body groans as the warforged moves. Tall, with shoulders as broad as a…

Speech by a Drunk Freighter Pilot about the Boredom of Traveling

“I went out there looking for something worthwhile, but it’s all the same crap. New planets,…

Cleric with Lantern

In a chainmail coif and with armor under a cloth tabard, the cleric carries a lantern…

Orc with Shield

A solitary orc warrior stands sentinel, watching from the shadows with wary eyes. His towering frame…

Artificer Attempting to Repair Dying Cyborg Companion

Sweat beads across the artificer’s furrowed brow as they work, crouched over their injured cyborg companion….

Instructor’s Lesson about Saint Alessa Bookbinder

“Do your eyes grow heavy? Does your mind stray? I know these texts can be difficult…