Abandoned Giant Elk Tavern

The door creaks open to a once-grand tavern that boasted tables of food and drink aplenty. A rotting stink is rife in the air, but you see no people—no living creatures whatsoever—although a faint skitter in the joists beneath the pockmarked floor suggests rodential life. Beyond that, the only sound is the whisper of wind […]

Giant Elk Tavern

A grand two-story structure comes into view long before you reach it. The design gives the building an off-kilter kind of look—resembling ascending steps, or perhaps a beast raising its head to better view the countryside. The ground floor consists of a bustling bar and dining area, as well as an open-air stable where mounts […]

Edge of the World

Thick alien vegetation opens on an expanse of floating rock—vast stones hovering with lazy ease, making a path of sorts toward a great towering square mass. Mysterious lines of light cross the crumbling passageway, lighting odd areas of stone a hazy blue. Above and below, the night stars glitter like endless jewels sewn to the […]

Vacuum Tanker

A teal glint glimmers from the void: a tanker propelled by two gleaming blue thrusters. Cylindrical black tanks straddle the main cabin—one on each side—their orange-lit gauges indicating current capacity levels. The sky-blue hull winks in the light of the nearest sun, its contents a mystery to all but the crew within, since galactic tankers […]

Prison Transport

This twenty-eight-ton ship, the Odobenus, is acutely segmented, with the bridge flanked by two escape pods and connected to the main section of the ship by a narrow but heavily-secured airlock, like a head and neck. The middle section is a ribcage of armored beams—protecting both colossal cryogenic storage units and the ship’s hull. The […]

Mountaintop Observatory

The view through the telescope is astonishing. Stars that once looked so uniform from the ground suddenly gain stark individuality. They vary in size, brightness, color… Even how they twinkle through the telescope’s glass has taken on a life of its own.
This map depicts a marvelous observatory perched far, far above the surrounding lands, on […]

Astral Dock

Beyond the crumbling barrier wall a squadron of metal pillars stand, varying in height, with frost clinging grimly to their brassy metal bodies. A dull blue light, from the cold and not-so-distant celestial curtain, nullifies any chance these impressive metal structures might have to gleam. Stepping through the wall, off the blanket of crisp and […]