Caravan Passes Huge Skull

As the caravan plods through the arid wasteland, it passes a colossal, weathered skull. The uncanny…

Technomancer Drug, Baud

Whatever strange alchemy is shoved into this single pill suffuses your mind. It stings, your brain…

Mountain Village at Sunset

Sunset paints the world crimson, with a village huddling beneath the ominous shadow of a gargantuan…

Galadir the Jester

A well-dressed young man on horseback gazes around with a look of undisguised awe in his…

Magic-Nullifying Gas, Spell Stripper: In Use

A telltale snick is followed by the steady hiss of a scarlet haze filling the air…

Magic-Nullifying Gas, Spell Stripper

The roiling vapor inside the glass tube is a prohibitive red color, swirling with minute lead-gray…

Technology-Nullifying Euphoric Drug, Tempo

Inside its glass bottle, the alchemic stim-tranq separates like oil and water: mica-specked violet floating atop…

Sir Adrann Falconhand

An armored knight strides into view, gleaming plates of steel surrounding his body. His right hand…

Find Greater Steed

A piercing whistle breaks the air as a celestial spirit is called forth from the higher…

Quip by a Technoshaman about Ignorance

“You purists make me laugh. How can simple organic life possibly be more complex than the…